ROK THE STONES is getting nearer – 24th January 2015

There is still time to volunteers to help welcome the runners, act as checkpoint marshals, or to help with catering.
All profits from the event will go to the Community Trust.

As well as OR instaed of that you could donate cakes and savouries to help with the catering.

Help is needed from between 7 am and 6 pm, although just a couple of hours during the day would be appreciated. 

Rok The Stones is a 26.2 mile off-road full Marathon, consisting of 3 different loops around our beautiful villages of Stanton Drew and Pensford, based at Stanton Drew village hall, with options both for solo runners and for relay teams. The event is now fully booked for runners, the first of which will set off from Stanton Drew village hall at 8.30 am.

If you are able to offer help with meeting and greeting, marshalling, catering for the runners, clearing-up the village hall, or have a company that could provide sponsorship for part of the event… etc PLEASE contact Simon via the Rok The Stones website for more details.

All helpers will be provided with tea, coffee, soup and a Hot meal at the end.

Rok The Stones website.