How to apply for a Grant from the PPSCT, and how to nominate a project
The aim of the Trust is to achieve as much as possible with its available funds and the Trustees carefully consider all applications and try to balance demand with supply.
Wherever possible the Trust will encourage match funding or seek to assist other specific fund raising schemes but where appropriate will make grants covering the entire cost.
The Trustees award grants based entirely on application and they seek to maintain a complete independence when making grant awards.
Applications are confidential to the Trustees and will remain so until or if a grant is made when, unless it is exceptional personal circumstances, the grant award will be publicised. All declined applications will remain confidential.
View/Download a Grant Application Form: PPSCT_GrantApplicationForm_v2_2022 or you can download a version that it enabled for filling in on your computer: PPSCT_GrantApplicationForm_v2form_2022
View/Download the Grant Making Policy PPSCT_GrantMakingPolicy_v2_2022
Further Information
You will see from the Grant Application Form that there are opportunities to provide additional information if considered helpful and indeed an application may involve a discussion with the Trustees. It all starts with the Grant Application Form.
The Trustees meet 3 times per year but work on applications goes on between these dates and in an emergency can respond quickly.
If you have a cause, a plan or know someone who could benefit from Trust funding please let the Trustees know by making an application. You can hand deliver, post or e-mail your application to The Secretary to the Trustees.
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